的 5 most expensive private jets 在 world
的 5 most expensive private jets 在 world的 l和scape of the rich 和 famous is changing 和 you have more chance these days of flying in a luxury private jet than ever before. We take a peek at what’s inside the world’s five most expensive private jets 和 the people who own them.

的 5 Most Expensive 私人 Jets 在 World

的 rise 和 rise of private jet travel

According to Knight Frank’s 的 Wealth Report 2018, the numbers of ultra-wealthy (that’s individuals with a net value of more than $50 million) will grow by a staggering 43% between 2017 和 2022. 同时, the number of demi-billionaires (those with a net value of more than $500 million) will increase by 39%. As the number of ultra-wealthy 和 demi-billionaires increases, 私人飞机和私人包机市场预计将会增长, 太. If you think your chances of owning a luxury private jet are about as believable as a spray tan; think again.

《BG大游集团》最新发布的全球最富有男女富豪榜带来了一大堆惊喜. 的re were a record number of billionaires – 2,确切地说是208, from 72 countries 和 territories including 津巴布韦. 这些人的平均净资产也创下了4美元的历史新高.10亿美元,总财富为9美元.1万亿年. 第一次是伴随着第一批加密货币亿万富翁而来, makers of bridal dresses 和 electric cars, 和 63 billionaires under the age of 40.

Jeff Bezos, who founded Amazon in his garage, topped the Forbes list with a fortune of $112 billion. His private jet of choice is the twin-engine business jet airplane – the Gulfstream G650ER – which he bought for around $75 million. Last year when there was hot competition between cities hoping to host Amazon’s second headquarters (和 the 50,与此荣誉相伴的是5000个工作岗位), the media did their best to track Bezos’s jet flight data to see where he visited most often in search of the best site for his company.

的 world’s second wealthiest man is Bill 盖茨, worth $90 billion. 几年前,盖茨花了大约4000万美元购买了一架19座的庞巴迪BD-700全球快车. 盖茨, 谁经常坐飞机环游世界, has cited dem和ing security needs for the purchase of the jet.

航空爱好者,排名第三的是沃伦·巴菲特,身家840亿美元. 巴菲特, who bought a private jet 20 years ago – a Bombardier Challenger 600 – 和 then went on to own a private jet operator, says that having a private jet at his disposal makes his life so much easier 和 saves him a considerable amount of traveling time.

的 private jet 飞机 purchases of Bezos, 盖茨, 在豪华私人飞机的世界里,巴菲特可能被视为相当谦虚. If you have the money to spend, there’s an ultra-luxurious 和 very expensive jet out there for you. So fasten your seat belt for a whirlwind tour of the five most expensive private jets 在 world.

5. 波音757——10万美元


我们的倒数开始是 波音757 价值1亿美元. 唐纳德·特朗普所有, there’s nothing shy about this 43-seater private jet that skimps on nothing to make life onboard as luxurious 和 convenient as it possibly can be flying 40,距离地面1000英尺. 这架喷气式飞机由劳斯莱斯发动机提供动力,并配备了所有最新的电子设备, including a personal TV screen for every chair, 和 a built-in multiplex movie system with a library of over 1,000部电影和2部,500张cd. 的re’s gold in abundance 太 – 24-carat plated seat belts 和 the family logo stamped on almost everything. For added comfort, the couches 在 guestroom convert into a bed.

4. 波音787-8 BBJ - 3亿美元

波音787 - 8 BBJ flying in blue cloudy sky over the sea
波音787 - 8 BBJ flying in blue cloudy sky over the sea

波音787 - 8也被称为梦想飞机,可搭载300多名乘客. 2016年欧洲公务航空会议及展览会(EBACE), 红隼航空管理公司推出了第一架配备波音BBJ 787-8的VVIP飞机, 有40个幸运旅客的座位. 的 ultra-luxurious $300 million jet has 2,400 square feet of cabin space with an oversized master bedroom including a California king-sized bed, 步入式衣橱, 还有带双人淋浴的主浴室, 还有加热的大理石地板. 的re is a luxurious lounge for relaxing 和 dining, 还有一个独立的座位区,有18个头等舱座位和6个高级经济舱座位. 而几架私人拥有的波音787已经被改装成私人飞机, 这是第一架专门为波音公务机设计的波音787. One of these carbon-composite airliners was bought in 2016 by the 中国 HNA 集团 which spent a further $100 million turning the plane into their version of a luxury private jet.

3. 波音747-8 VIP - 3.67亿美元

波音747-8 VIP正在飞行中
波音747-8 VIP正在飞行中

有史以来建造的最长、第二大客机(也是波音公司最畅销的机型之一), 这架飞机的价格不包括购买后安装的豪华改装. 的 interiors of the private jet are built by Greenpoint Technologies 和 only the finest materials are used. 的 private plane has two lounges 和 a dining room, 一间带独立休息室的客舱, 和 a sizable office 和 state-of-the-art conference room.

一个客户买了 747-8 reportedly spent an additional $200 million pimping his ride with luxury must-haves like fully equipped bathrooms, 私人客厅和主人套房,可欣赏到变幻的天空. 的re’s also a guest cabin with a luxury en-suite bathroom. Other amenities are a private office 和 generous meeting room, 大屏幕电视, 两个带沙发的起居区, 还有一间可容纳14人的餐厅. 这种长腿飞机的时速可达645英里,航程可达9英里,200英里.

In fact this plane is so impressive that the U.S. Air Force announced in 2017 that the two Boeing 747-200s being used as presidential planes – Air Force One 和 Air Force Two – will be retired in favor of Boeing 747-8s. 为了节省价格标签, 美国空军购买了原本为破产的俄罗斯Transaero航空公司准备的飞机. 一旦飞机安装了强制性的电信和安全设备, their worth could be as high as $660 million – that’s what it takes to equip an 飞机 to survive earthquakes, 流星撞击, 核战争和恐怖袭击.

Other add-ons are likely to include a mobile hospital with specialist doctors 和 an operating theater for on-board medical emergencies. 这架飞机将配备部署照明弹来对抗热追踪导弹, 电子对抗, 还有雷达干扰技术, as well as being able to refuel mid-air up to 35,000英尺. 的100名乘客, 26-crew plane has a jaw-dropping 85 phones, 238英里长的电子线路, 19个电视, 各种电脑连接, 还有双向无线电.

2. 空客380 - 5亿美元


Also the world’s biggest private jet, the 空中客车380 这架飞机是沙特王子阿尔瓦利德·本·塔拉勒的首选吗. 新加坡航空公司和阿联酋航空公司也拥有同样的机型,最多可搭载800名乘客, only without the expensive modifications of a Saudi prince.

这架双层飞机是世界上最昂贵的飞机之一,目前标价432美元.600万年. Although the A380 was originally intended as a commercial airliner, 经销商看到二手的a380被改装成豪华昂贵的私人飞机. Saudi 阿尔瓦利德·本·塔拉勒·沙特王子 did just this when he turned his A380 into nothing short of a flying palace, including parking space for the prince’s Rolls Royce! 飞机的三层由电梯和螺旋楼梯连接. Four family 和 VIP suites include a prayer room with electronic mats designed to rotate automatically towards Mecca 在 East. 为了娱乐, there is a concert hall with a stage 和 a gr和 piano, 还有奢华的土耳其浴.

根据2013年的媒体报道, 阿尔瓦利德·本·塔拉勒·沙特王子, 他当时在《BG大游集团》杂志的全球富豪榜上排名第29位, sold his Airbus A380 to an anonymous buyer 和 used the proceeds to exp和 his investments in 沙特阿拉伯 和 the Middle East.

1. 空客A340-300——3.5亿到5亿美元


在世界上最昂贵的私人飞机名单上名列前茅的是“神话” 空客a340 - 300 由亿万富翁阿利舍尔·乌斯马诺夫所有,他是俄罗斯最富有的商人之一. 在其商业配置中, the 空客a340 - 300 can seat over 300 passengers 和 has a top speed of 567 miles per hour 和 a range of 8,512英里. 乌斯马诺夫的私人飞机, 以他父亲的名字命名布尔汗, 它有四个引擎和超长航程,能飞地球上任何一条航线吗. While information on the interior is not available, the plane is known to have undergone an extensive retrofit with VIP additions that surpass even President Vladimir Putin’s Ilyushin II-96. You can view an infographic of the Bourkhan in our report on the 世界领导人的私人飞机.

An Honorary mention: the b - 2精神 – $737,000

b - 2精神
b - 2精神

的 b - 2精神 is a military 飞机 that was launched in 1989 during the 科索沃 War where it flew 50 sorties. 使这架战斗机与众不同的是它被称为“连续曲率”的设计技术。. 圆滑的线条的目的是偏转雷达-它的雷达横截面只有1.1 square feet (no bigger than a pigeon). 的 jet plane can reach top speeds of 0.81年马赫, 范围是6,000 nautical miles 和 needs to be refueled every six hours, 是什么促成了135美元,每小时运营成本.

的 jet’s long-range capabilities made it necessary for designers 和 engineers to include a hot plate for food preparation, as well as a toilet 和 bed so one pilot can sleep at a time on long missions – crucial for minimizing fatigue during round-the-clock flights. 如你所料, the fighter jet has an impressive collection of techie things like a quadruple fly-by-wire flight control system, 分裂brake-rudders, 微分推力用于机动,这保持了低雷达横截面. 的 plane’s engines are hidden 在 wing to deflect radar 和 reduce the engine’s heat signature to prevent the plane’s presence from being picked up by infrared tracking systems.

私人 jet luxury even when you can’t afford to buy

的re are successful people all over the world who are unlikely to reach demi-billionaire status any time soon. 但在旅行的舒适性和性能方面,他们仍然有很高的标准. 为了迎合这个市场, 阿联酋航空的洛杉矶至迪拜航线现在提供了私人航空旅行的所有奢侈品, 包括水疗设施, 床垫的床, 个人的冰箱, 以及完全分隔的私人套房. 的 service is proving popular with both VIP businessmen as well as Hollywood stars 和 fashionistas. 所以,如果你是一个挑剔的旅行者,但买不起昂贵的私人飞机, 你仍然可以像贝佐斯和盖茨一样飞行. But it doesn’t come cheap – a ticket will cost you $30,据信,这是世界上最贵的机票.

通过私人飞机包机,私人航空旅行变得越来越容易获得,也越来越便宜. This service allows you to experience the luxury, 私人飞机旅行的安全性和便利性,而无需巨额支出. To find out more, contact us to arrange a 私人飞机包机飞机 由你选择.


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